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603-332-6518 [email protected]

Serving New Hampshire Residents!

Two More Steps:  1.  Pick Your Rate Below.  2.  Fill Out The Contact Form And We Will Be In Touch!!!

Top Guaranteed Annuity Rates


Insurance CompanyProduct NameGuaranteed RateFree WithdrawalsDeath Benefit
Oceanview Life and AnnuityHarbourview 2 High Band (Greater than $80K)4.75%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
GBU LifeAssetguard Select 2 High Band (Greater than $100K)4.75%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
AmericoPlatinum Assure 24.65%Year 1: 3%
Years 2+: 3%
Full Contract Value
GBU LifeAssetguard Select 2 Low Band (Less than $100K)4.55%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Oceanview Life and AnnuityHarbourview 2 Low Band (Less than $80K)4.40%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value


Insurance CompanyProduct NameGuaranteed RateFree WithdrawalsDeath Benefit
EquitrustCertainty Select 35.10%Year 1: Interest
Years 2+: Interest
Full Contract Value
Oceanview Life and Annuity Harbourview 3 High Band (More than $80k)4.85%Years 2+: 10%Full Contract Value
AmericoPlatinum Assure 34.75%Year 1: 3%
Years 2+: 3%
Full Contract Value
GBU LifeAssetguard Select 3 High Band (Greater than $100k)4.75%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
American NationalPalladium MYG 3 High Band (More than $250k)4.70%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
SagicorMilestone MYGA 3 High Band (More than $100K)4.70%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full contract Value
American NationalPalladium MYG 3 Mid Band ($100,00 - $250,000)4.55%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
GBU LifeAssetguard Select 3 Low Band (Less than $100k)4.55%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Clear Spring LifePreserve MYGA 3 (More Than $250K) 4.50%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
AtheneMax Rate 3 High Band (More than $100K)4.50%Year 1: Interest
Years 2+: Interest
Full Contract Value
Oceanview Life and Annuity Harbourview 3 Low Band (Less than $80k)4.50%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
American NationalPalladium MYG 3 Low Band (Less than $100,00)4.45%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
SagicorMilestone MYGA 3 Mid Band Band ($50K - $100K)4.45%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full contract Value
Fidelity & GuarantyFG Guarantee-Platinum 34.40%Year 1: Interest
Years 2+: Interest
Full Contract Value
Global AtlanticSecureFore 3 High Band (More than $100K)4.30%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
AtheneMax Rate 3 Low Band (Less than $100K)4.25%Year 1: Interest
Years 2+: Interest
Full Contract Value
Clear Spring LifePreserve MYGA 3 (Less Than $250K) 4.20%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Global AtlanticSecureFore 3 Low Band (Less than $100K)4.05%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Pacific GuardianDiamond Head MYGA 34.00%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 3 MVA Mid Band ($100k - $250k)3.70%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 3 MVA High Band (More Than $250k)3.70%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
SagicorMilestone MYGA 3 Low Band Band (Less than $50K)3.70%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 3 MVA Low Band (Less Than $100k)3.60%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value


Insurance CompanyProduct NameGuaranteed RateFree WithdrawalsDeath Benefit
Oceanview Life and AnnuityHarbourview 4 (High Band $80,000+)4.85%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
AmericoPlatinum Assure 44.75%Year 1: 5%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
GBU LifeAssetguard Select 4 High Band (Greater than $100k)4.75%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Sagicor Life Insurance CompanyMilestone MYGA 4 High Band ($100k+)4.70%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Clear Spring LifePreserve MYGA 4 ($250K+)4.55%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
GBU LifeAssetguard Select 4 Low Band (Less than $100k)4.55%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Oceanview Life and AnnuityHarbourview 4 (Low-Band $20,000 - $80,000)4.50%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Sagicor Life Insurance CompanyMilestone MYGA 4 Mid Band ($50K - $100k)4.45%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Clear Spring LifePreserve MYGA 4 Low Band (Less Than $250K)4.25%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Pacific GuardianDiamond Head MYGA 44.00%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 4 MVA Mid Band ($100k - $250k) 3.90%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 4 MVA High Band (Greater Than $250k) 3.90%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
Sagicor Life Insurance CompanyMilestone MYGA 4 Low Band (Less than$50K)3.90%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 4 MVA Low Band (Less Than $100k) 3.80%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value


Insurance CompanyProduct NameGuaranteed RateFree WithdrawalsDeath Benefit
EquitrustCertainty Select 55.20%Year 1: Interest Only
Years 2+: Interest Only
Full Contract Value
AmericoPlatinum Assure 55.05%Year 1: 5%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
Nassau ReMYAnnuity 5X5.00%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 0%
Full Contract Value
GBU LifeAssetguard Select 5 High Band (Greater than $100k)5.00%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
SagicorMilestone MYGA 5 High Band (More than $100k)5.00%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
American NationalPalladium MYG 5 High Band ($250,000 +)4.90%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Nassau ReMYAnnuity 5X (With 10% WDs)4.80%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
GBU LifeAssetguard Select 5 Low Band (Less than $100k)4.80%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
American NationalPalladium MYG 5 Mid Band ($100k - $250k)4.75%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
SagicorMilestone MYGA 5 Mid Band ($50k - $100k)4.75%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
AtheneMax Rate 5 High Band (More than $100,000)4.70%Year 1: Interest
Years 2+: Interest
Full Contract Value
American NationalPalladium MYG 5 Low Band (Less Than $100k)4.65%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Oceanview Life and AnnuityHarbourview 5 High-Band ($80,000+)4.65%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Fidelity & Guaranty LifeFG Guarantee-Platinum 54.60%Year 1: Interest
Years 2+: Interest
Full Contract Value
Clear Spring LifePreserve MYGA 5 High Band ($250K+)4.55%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Global AtlanticSecureFore High Band (Greater than $100k)4.45%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
AtheneMax Rate 5 Low Band (Less than $100k)4.45%Year 1: Interest
Years 2+: Interest
Full Contract Value
Oceanview Life and AnnuityHarbourview 5 Low-Band (Less than $80,000)4.30%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
SagicorMilestone MYGA 5 Low Band (Less than $50K)4.30%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Clear Spring LifePreserve MYGA 5 Low Band (Less than $250k)4.25%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Global AtlanticSecureFore Low Band (Less than $100k)4.20%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 5 MVA Mid Band ($100k - $250k) 4.10%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 5 MVA High Band (More Than $250k) 4.10%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
Guaranty Income LifeGuaranty Rate Lock 5 MVA Low Band (Less Than $100k) 4.00%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 5%
Full Contract Value
Pacific GuardianDiamond Head MYGA 54.00%Year 1: 10%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
American EquityGuaranteeShield 5 High Band (More than $250K)3.85%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
American EquityGuaranteeShield 5 Mid Band ($100k - $250K)3.85%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value
American EquityGuaranteeShield 5 Low Band (Less than $100k)3.60%Year 1: 0%
Years 2+: 10%
Full Contract Value

*Features and benefits may vary by product and state. Please review the contract or product disclosure for more information.  Guarantees are based on the financial strength and claims paying ability of the insurance companies and are not guaranteed by any bank or insured by the FDIC.  Annuities are different than Certificates of Deposit and may contain surrender charges and Market Value Adjustments.  Market Value Adjustment (MVA) applies to partial withdrawals that exceed the free withdrawal amount allowed and surrenders occurring during the surrender charge period. CHL and the insurance companies listed above do not offer legal or tax advice. Please consult a qualified professional.

Rates can change with very little notice so please verify the above rates with CHL & Associates.  Annuities are not FDIC Insured and are subject to the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.  Product filing form numbers are:  GuaranteeShield (ICC20 BASE-SPDA, ICC20 SPDA-3, ICC20 SPDA-5), Multi-Select (ICC20-MYGA20), Secure Savings and Secure Savings Elite (ICC17 MYGA), Harbourview (ICC19 OLA SPDA), Bankers Elite 3 (ICC17-Bankers 3-0704), Bankers Elite 5 (ICC17-Bankers 5-0704), Milestone MYGA Series (ICC173008 & ICC176068), Guaranty Rate Lock Series (ICC18-GI-FR-MYGA01 (01/18) Guarantee Platinum Series (ICC14-1095(06-14)), MYAnnuity 5X/7X (ICC18IFDAP, ICC18IFDANP)


Give us a call at 603-332-6518


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